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CRC stars | Olivier Chancy


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Here is the profile of one of the recipients of a 2022 CRC Excellence Scholarship, Olivier Chancy, a doctoral student in cellular and molecular biology in the team of Professor Solange Landreville. This scholarship is made possible thanks to the Cancer Research Center of the University Laval as well as the Fonds de cancérologie from Fondation de l’Université Laval.

Olivier Chancy is currently a doctoral student in cellular and molecular biology at Université Laval, working in the team of Professor Solange Landreville, co-supervised by Professor François Bordeleau. He followed a traditional path by completing a DEC in Natural Sciences at Cégep de Trois-Rivières, followed by a Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Biology at the University of Québec in Trois-Rivières. He has always been passionate about the field of science, particularly biology and chemistry, which is why he pursued a master's degree and then a doctorate in cellular and molecular biology after completing his bachelor's internship in Professor Solange Landreville's laboratory. His research project in oncology involves tissue engineering of the choroidal extracellular matrix (primary tumor) or the hepatic extracellular matrix (metastasis), followed by the addition of uveal melanoma cancer cells in spheroids to study their morphology, proliferation, and substrate-regulated signaling pathways. He has presented his results at several conferences, including five at the national and international levels. He has also received research grants, including a CRC PhD Excellence Scholarship.

During his graduate studies, he has been involved in various student committees, where he actively participated in organizing events for students and trainees in the Regenerative Medicine axis of the CHU de Québec-Université Laval Research Center. These activities have allowed him to develop his communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills. As treasurer, he learned how to manage budgets, secure funds through sponsorship requests, and mobilize volunteers.

He has also had the opportunity to volunteer in homework assistance programs. His first experience was with an association called "Café Rencontre" (in collaboration with the YMCA of Quebec City), which provides support to underprivileged high school students to encourage academic perseverance. For the past few months, he has been volunteering for the program "Diplôme avant la médaille (Diploma before the Medal)," which offers homework assistance to student-athletes in different schools in the Quebec City region. These are unique and truly rewarding experiences from a human and personal perspective, which also allow him to develop his skills in popularization to explain complex concepts in various fields to younger individuals.